
Friday, December 16, 2022

Tips on How to Cultivate Creativity


Creativity is an essential trait for a successful career and personal life. Think about it: Without being able to find new, original ways to solve problems or think outside the box, it can be very difficult to succeed at anything. But creativity isn’t something that comes naturally to everyone. Many of us are not blessed with a naturally creative mind and need specific strategies in order to tap into our inner muse more regularly. Luckily, there are several ways you can hack your creativity and cultivate the skill so it becomes easier for you to come up with innovative ideas. Read on as New York-based artist Corey S Ribotsky shares further insight on how you can grow your creativiy as well as tips on how to cultivate creativity in yourself.


Make time to be creative

Creativity is like any other skill: You have to train it. The more you practice it, the better you get at it. The same applies to reading, writing, speaking, and so on: You have to make time for it. Otherwise, you will never get used to it and you will always have a mediocre level of creativity.

According to visual artist Corey S Ribotsky, there are a few ways you can make more time for creativity. One option is to find a “creative corner” in your bedroom, office, or closet. You can even paint it a certain colour so you know it’s that “corner”! Find a corner where you can put away all the distractions that might hinder you, like music, text messages, and social media notifications. Another way to make time for creativity is to schedule it. You might be able to schedule 15 minutes of creativity in your daily schedule. You can also use one of the many apps that help you schedule creativity. A third way you can make time for creativity is by creating a “creativity jar” where you put money every time you make time for creativity. For every minute you spend on creativity, you put money in your jar. Once you’ve collected enough money, you can treat yourself to something you’ve been wanting to buy but haven’t had the time for.


Set up a daily creativity routine

One of the best ways to cultivate creativity is to set up a creative routine. This might be something as simple as taking five minutes to listen to music, read a book, or journaling. It might also be as simple as taking a walk outdoors, which can be something many of us don’t do enough these days. Other creative routines might include painting, drawing, or sculpting. You can also try writing out your troubles or problems and then letting your creativity flow! Every day, make a point of spending five minutes immersed in a creative activity to clear your mind, relax, and recharge your batteries. This will allow you to come up with new, creative ideas, and solve problems and challenges in a new and innovative way, explains Corey S Ribotsky.


Exercise your brain

Put simply, your brain needs “exercise” in order to be creative. The best way to do this is to deliberately try to solve problems or tackle challenges in clever new ways. Challenge yourself to find new, creative solutions to problems, even if they don’t solve the immediate problem. Challenge yourself to try new things and break out of your comfort zone. If you’re stuck on a creative problem or challenge, try to break it down into smaller parts. Try to figure out what part of the problem is giving you the most trouble. Then, focus on that part. When you’re trying to solve a particular problem, keep in mind that creativity is all about breaking the rules. When you’re trying to come up with creative new solutions, try to think of ways to break the rules. This will allow you to bypass conventional thinking and look at the problem from a different angle. If you’re trying to come up with a name for a product, try to think of a different or unconventional name than the ones that are already out there. If you’re trying to come up with an advertising campaign, try to think of an unconventional way to promote the product. This will allow you to break out of the “norm” and come up with something new.


Be flexible and try new things

Although you should try to implement some of the above strategies as frequently as possible, you shouldn’t try to grow your creativity overnight. Many people feel pressure to come up with new ideas every day, or even every single hour. But this is an unrealistic expectation, as you’ve probably already noticed. Creativity often happens when you least expect it, when you’re relaxed, and when your current mind-set isn’t being threatened by a particular problem or challenge. If you’re growing your creativity, try to do it in an unguarded state, adds contemporary painter. When you’re trying to solve a problem or come up with a new idea, try to leave your “creative guard” down. This will let you come up with more creative and non-conventional ideas. And don’t be afraid to try something even if it feels totally out of your realm of experience. You’re probably going to be surprised at how well it works out!



The more time you invest in cultivating your creative skills, the better you will become at it. And when you are successful at this, it can be incredibly fulfilling and rewarding. The best way to cultivate your creativity is to make time for it and pick something to focus on. With a little bit of effort, you can unlock your creativity and cultivate a new skill that will benefit you and your career.

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